이에 따르면 섭씨 15도 이하 기온에 10∼15분 노출되면 특정 호르몬 변화로 열량이 연소되면서 1시간 동안 운동한 것에 상응하는 효과가 나타난다.
신체가 낮은 기온에 노출되면 이리신(irisin)과 FGF21이라는 두 가지 호르몬이 방출되면서 칼로리를 저장하는 백색지방(white fat)이 에너지를 연소시키는 갈색지방(brown fat)으로 바뀌기 때문 이라고 함.
Dr Lee showed that during cold exposure and exercise, levels of the hormone irisin (produced by muscle) and FGF21 (produced by brown fat) rose. Specifically, around 10-15 minutes of shivering resulted in equivalent rises in irisin as an hour of moderate exercise. In the laboratory, irisin and FGF21 turn human white fat cells into brown fat cells over a period of six days. The study is now published inCell Metabolism.
"From a clinical point of view, irisin and FGF21 represent a cold-stimulated hormone system, which was previously unknown, and may be harnessed in future obesity therapeutics through brown fat activation."
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